Isle of Man update

By Cath Robertshaw COO at Eyesea


It is amazing how much you can achieve with even a few pairs of hands … and it is wonderful to have the energy & the ‘let’s just go and deal with it and clear it’ attitude of the youth Ellen Barker!
… & that is how I found myself scaling the cliffs and rocks along the beautiful ‘Raad Ny Foillan’ which translates as the ‘Flight of the Seagull’, to collect huge amounts of maritime waste and pollution near Port Grenaugh.

We managed to haul a huge amount of waste and clear the area massively. Amongst the ‘treasure’ was a huge steam boiler machine, (that we couldn’t lift, but Ellen did fit inside – see the video!) an expensive & intact vessel defender & a hell of a lot of fishing rope alongside the usual coastal pollution.

We managed to carry most of what we found the 3km mainly uphill back to the main beach & discard of it in the very useful BeachBuddies Bin. The Coastguards & DEFA have been alerted and our Eyesea data shared & they are going to remove the heavier finds & objects we were unable to carry.

It was an adventure, a work out and more importantly we used the Eyesea App and cleared and made a real measurable difference and impact to the beautiful Manx Coastline. 🇮🇲

Ellen you are stronger than you look, Mark Robertshaw thanks for being a real packhorse, Lars T Ugland thank you to you & Geraldine for helping on the main beach & Joseph Robertshaw thank you for creating an Eyesea video.

We can all make a difference and a contribution however big or small, simply by starting with data and an image of pollution – the video shows a little of what we achieved after seeing images of pollution on the Eyesea App.

“I hear and I forget. I see and I remember. I do and I understand.” Confucius.

You can see the video here