Ocean Exchange 2024


To have meaning, actions must deliver results – results that can be scaled. It’s recognition of just how far we’ve come that Eyesea has made the finals of the Ocean Exchange Awards 2024.

Thank you to the Eyesea team, Marius Suteu, Cath Robertshaw, Lisbon Ferrao Natascha van Neerven, Rommy Paz Osorio Lipin, DAVID UMANA, Petra Bredow, Gitanjali Sakhuja, Melanie Blaschke, Mareike Wolff-Dimov, and Capt. Mehmet Mazman (everyone, everywhere!) for all your work and belief in our mission. And, of course, our partners at MariApps Marine Solutions, who have built the Eyesea you all know.

Let’s save the world. Let’s at least try. You’ve got a lot of people behind you Marius Suteu!!